A program that brings hope

Apr 15, 2022 | Community, News

Team approach brings hope to students experiencing psychosis on campus.
By Leigh Blander, Marblehead Reporter, WickedLocal.com

Like thousands of young adults across Massachusetts, Ryan started struggling with his mental health during the pandemic, suffering from a deepening depression that led to a psychotic episode and hospitalization.

“I experienced a severe state of disoriented thinking and then paranoia,” said Ryan, who asked his full name not be used. He is a 21-year-old student at a Boston-area college. “I would spend hours a day on the computer trying to self-diagnose, which would only lead to worsening thoughts and confusion. This built up until I was no longer able to talk with my family about how I was feeling. Communicating as a whole came to a standstill.”

Young adults like Ryan have reported the highest rates of anxiety and depression throughout the pandemic, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The crisis is being felt locally, too.

“We are seeing an uptick in students seeking support for mental health services,” said Dean of Students Marlin Nabors at Endicott College in Beverly. “We saw intakes at our counseling area double at the start of September.”

The Discovery Team

At the hospital, Ryan’s family learned about The Edinburg Center and its Discovery Team, which offers wrap-around mental health care for young adults, who are the ones most likely to experience an FEP, or First Episode of Psychosis.

Ryan has since been diagnosed with depression and bi-polar disorder. His team consists of a therapist, psychiatrist and a peer mentor who has personal experience with similar diagnoses. Another clinician works with Ryan’s parents to help them navigate their son’s challenges.

“It really is a team,” said Ryan. “Everybody works together to keep everybody informed on what’s happening, especially in the initial stages when you’re the most vulnerable.

“They just take the extra step to really care, even with your family,” he added. “Mental illness doesn’t just affect the person who’s going through it. As much as it stinks to go through it, it touches everyone around you. The program is so accommodating and so helpful.”

A program that brings hope

Elaine Farash runs the Discovery Team at the Edinburg Center, a Middlesex County human services agency. She says it’s making a real impact.

“These young people are back at school or they’re working,” Farash said. “This program brings hope. They learn that their lives don’t have to stop.  If they miss a semester, they can go back with support.”

Farash says the Discovery Team uses what’s called the Navigate model, which includes traditional therapy along with resiliency training and psychoeducation.

“We also have an educational/vocational specialist so if a person needs accommodations at college, we can help make that connection.”

‘Miles ahead of where I was’

Nearly two years later after starting in the Edinburg program, Ryan is about to graduate from college and is feeling much better.

 “One hundred percent,” he said. “Every day it’s another step in the right direction. I’m still actively working with the program. My symptoms are improving. I’m miles ahead of where I was a couple years ago. It’s been a huge improvement.”

The Discovery Team is just one of several programs The Edinburg Center offers to help the many young people now living with mental health challenges. To learn more, visit www.edinburgcenter.org.

View the article on WickedLocal.com.

The Discovery Team at The Edinburg Center offers wrap-around mental health services to young adults experiencing First Episodes of Psychosis. Read more here and reach out to our team if you or someone you know needs help.