Developmental Disabilities Residential

The Edinburg Center provides a range of services and supports to persons with developmental disabilities who live in supervised residential settings. The major focus for all of their homes is to enhance a person’s opportunity to become a contributing and participating member of his or her community through involvement in recreational, educational, vocational/work and civic activities.

All services and supports are tailored to the person’s individual needs and personal goals. Training in self-help skills, money management, social competencies and household responsibilities are some examples of supports offered in these settings.

Referrals for Developmental Disabilities Residential Services are made through the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS).

“Your staff person is probably one of the kindest people we ever have met. She was put on this earth to work with people with disabilities. She loves each and every client in the house.”

For more information, please contact:

Jennifer Thompson
Vice President of IDD/ABI services