The Annual ROC (Recovery Oriented Culture) Group Winter Festival

Feb 7, 2018 | Community, Events

The Edinburg Center’s Recovery Oriented Culture (ROC) Group held their annual Winter Festival on Wednesday, January 31st. A great time was had by all! The Festival included making cards for veterans who are inpatients at the Bedford VA Hospital. Other craft activities included making fragrant sachets and glittery snow globes. The Festival also included winter themed trivia games, bingo, a sing-a-long, cooking, contests and a visit from Barron the Therapy Dog.

The Edinburg Center convened its first meeting of the ROC group in January of 2009. This committee is comprised of management, staff and people that we serve in mental health rehabilitation programs. The mission of the Recovery Oriented Culture Group is “To support the development of a recovery- oriented culture and recovery-oriented services at the Edinburg Center. Recovery is defined as “an individualized and self-determined process that is driven by hope and undertaken for wellness, growth and healing.”